A month or so ago I asked parents on Facebook if they would like to share their story of raising a child with special needs. I had several wonderful parents respond and I'm excited to share this first story with you!
My hope is that Michelle's story will:
ONE, encourage you as a parent who has a child with a disability...
Or TWO (if you don't have a child with special needs), enlighten you a bit on what it is like to have a child with a disability, both the trials and joy.
I hope to bridge the divide and increase a sense of support through this parent interview series.
I hope to bridge the divide and increase a sense of support through this parent interview series.
So here we go!
I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Michelle this past week. She shared a TON of very important and useful information for parents, including what I believe to be one major key to being a successful parent!
She took some time to share her story with me (and you)!
Watch Below:
>>>The text below is a synopsis of our discussion, so be sure to watch the video to get all the details including an important tip for parenting success!!!
Tell me a little about your family?
My fiance and I have 4 kids. My step daughter lives with her mom, I have a 9 year old son that has optic nerve hypoplasia- he is completely blind in his left eye, Autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I have an 8 year old daughter that currently has a diagnosis of disruptive mood deregulation disorder (DMDD), Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD), ADHD, PTSD, and insomnia. Lastly we have a 4 year old daughter.
What are the biggest challenges you've experienced as a parent with a child who has special needs?
Finding services for children with mental health conditions and stigma surrounding mental health especially in children. (Watch the video for more about this!)

What have been the biggest successes you've experienced?
Finding the right combination of medication and psychotherapy that works. In addition to finding support from other parents experiencing similar situations. (Watch the video for one key to successful parenting!)
Finding support from other parents experiencing similar situations.

What would you like people to know who don't have a child with special needs?
We experience similar highs and lows as all parents. Sometimes it's more extreme, but we still celebrate our child's successes. They may not be the same as your child's but in our family it is still a success.
We experience similar highs and lows as all parents.
Do you have any encouragement or words of wisdom for parents who have a child who has special needs?
Find your tribe. Meaning find other families who live how you live, who have children with similar diagnoses. They will be able to really understand what you're going through and can help bring you out of your dark place, offer specific words of encouragement, or finish a bottle of wine after a particularly bad day.
Find your tribe.

Anything else you'd like to add?
YOU are the professional and CEO and have a doctorate on your child. medical and school professionals have degrees and knowledge but can only offer you a different perspective. you are the advocate for your child.
Thanks so much Michelle for sharing your story and your wisdom!!! I really enjoyed hearing your insight and all you've learned on your journey! I'm certain it will help others!
Be sure to check out our other parents' stories for more encouragement and great insights!
PS- Anderson Music Therapy is starting an online parent support group this summer! If you'd like to learn more or join us, check out the details below. :)
See you soon!