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Cassie Smith, MT-BC
Dec 5, 20213 min read
5 Singable Books: Bond & Build Communication Skills
Making music with your child can help set them up for success in the future. Not a musician? Singable books solve that problem!

Catherine Backus, MT-BC
Apr 9, 20195 min read
Top 10 Songs For Older Adults
Music and memory are inextricably linked - just as our favorite films have iconic soundtracks, so do many of us have a soundtrack to the...

Noel Anderson, MMT, MT-BC
Jan 5, 20192 min read
What Goes on Inside a Music Therapist's Head?
Have you ever noticed how two people can observe the same scenario and see two completely different things??? Imagine this scene... ...

Noel Anderson, MMT, MT-BC
Dec 7, 20183 min read
Rhythms and Reading: How Music Helps Teach Kids Literacy Skills
Thank you, Julie, for this fantastic guest post! How can music affect your child's literacy skills? Learn more below! Courtesy of...

Noel Anderson, MMT, MT-BC
Sep 10, 20184 min read
Why Music Breaks Through Barriers to Communication
My name is Catherine, and I am a mumbler. Maybe it’s a result of self-consciousness as a kid (after my teacher referred me to speech...

Noel Anderson, MMT, MT-BC
Aug 8, 20185 min read
FAQ Series: What do you actually do?!
Being a music therapist means constantly being asked... “What is music therapy?" "What do you actually DO?” That’s kind of like asking...

Catherine Backus, MT-BC
Jul 20, 20184 min read
Can Music Therapy Improve Social Skills?
The act of making music is inherently communicative . When I was a kid, I think my mom probably connected to the worries of Uncle Jesse...

Noel Anderson, MMT, MT-BC
Jun 15, 20185 min read
What Happens in a Music Therapy Group?
When we get new clients or referrals, oftentimes parents don’t know what to expect when they send their children to a music therapy group....

Noel Anderson, MMT, MT-BC
Mar 26, 20184 min read
Music Improves Functional Receptive Communication Skills
One of the biggest complaints I hear from parents is that their child does not follow directions very well. Kids are asked to follow...

Noel Anderson, MMT, MT-BC
Jan 22, 20182 min read
How to Promote Verbalization Through Music
A frequent question asked by parents of my younger clients is, “What can I do at home?” The answer is as simple as "SING"! Singing with...

Noel Anderson, MMT, MT-BC
Jan 18, 20185 min read
Strengthen Communication and Family Relationships through Music
I recently read about an awesome study where interactive music-making was compared to listening to "Baby Einstein" CDs. The results were...
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