How can I pay for services?
While most clients use private pay, there are a number of funding options.
We will try our best to find an option that works for you. Everyone should have access to services that allow them to live the fullest life possible.

SCHOLARSHIPS through 5 Points Music Foundation
Reach out to our director at to see if you qualify.
CNI Trust Fund (Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Trust Fund) managed by DARS (Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services). We have individual, private group, and facility group funding for those who fit the grant crietia:
Virginia resident
Traumatic Brain Injury / Spinal Cord Injury Survivor
Reach out to Noel at or (540)384-1677 if you're interested in using this grant funding for your services.
A number of grants support funding for music therapy services. Please do not hesitate to ask for my assistance in applying for a grant. Reach out to our director at for a list of grants.
Core Medicaid does NOT cover music therapy services in Virginia at this time. Medicaid as a developmental service may be available to cover Early Intervention services (Birth through 3 years old).
Our practice is a medical provider/service and can process FSA/HSA/HRA debit and credit cards. You can pay with your card directly from your invoice.
Music Therapy is potentially reimbursable* by some 3rd party medical insurance plans. It must be considered an active treatment prescribed by a physician. For more details reach out to our director at
Please note that at this time, Anderson Music Therapy Services does NOT directly bill insurance companies for our services. We are, however, happy to provide any information to our clients that will help them personally submit claims to their insurance providers. We provide superbills upon request. They can be filed quickly and easily through the Reimbursify app.
When music therapy is provided as a direct related service, it is provided following the same guidelines as other therapies such as physical therapy or occupational therapy. The need for a related service is determined by an assessment conducted by a qualified professional, a Board Certified Music Therapist, and can then be considered by the Committee for Special Education for inclusion in a student’s IEP. As with other related services, music therapy is recommended as a related service only if it necessary for the child to benefit from his or her education program. If you wish to pursue MT as a related service please contact me and I will assist you. Click HERE for more details about the process. You can also read more from the VA Department of Education, where music therapy is described as a related service.
Music therapy services may be paid for with funds from the Individual and Family Support Program (IFSP). IFSP assists individuals with developmental disabilities and their families with accessing person-centered and family-centered resources, supports, services and other assistance. The program's primary target population is individuals on the waiting list for Virginia's Developmental Disabilities (DD) Medicaid waivers. The application window is only open for a very limited time in the Fall, typically starting in October.
Music therapy may be considered a covered service for an eligible child. You will need a referral to the Family Assessment and Planning Team (FAPT ) through a local agency. Discuss this option with your caseworker at one of the following public agencies: DSS, Court Services, Schools, Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare. Services may be funded through The Children's Services Act (CSA) if the child meets one or more of the following criteria:
Requires educational services in an alternate setting as determined by an IEP
Has serious emotional or behavioral concerns
Is at risk of a more restrictive out of home placement
Receives foster care services
Receives services to prevent foster care placement
Is under the supervision of the Court or Department of Juvenile Justice
Music therapy is a only a reimbursable service under benefits for Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP). Falling under the heading of Activity Therapy, the interventions cannot be purely recreational or diversionary in nature and must be individualized and based on goals specified in the patient’s treatment plan.